Early morning swim start, this one of the swim heats, that started heading out at 7:30am at Walter E Long Lake.

Not my fastest swim, but actually my most enjoyable swim.

Out on the bike course that went through some farm land and nice rolling hills. Although I was guilty of daydreaming, I did not see any Longhorns!!

56 miles of bike course.

Heading out on the run, from T2 went went through the stadium and came out on this side as we started 3 loops on the run course.

It was exciting to finish in the stadium with all of the spectators cheering and making lots of noise to encourage the racers.

Part of the finishers SWAG, along with the medal and a finishers hat and metal water bottle!!

Monica on her last loop heading to the finish where her sister and family are waiting to cheer her through. The hill in the background does not look like much but seems to go on for ever. Thankfully there was an aid station at the top with the volunteers dressed up in all sorts of costumes.

Congratulations Monica on your first Ironman 70.3 race. Well done, under 6 hours!!! Now for Ironman Canada 2010!!

A great way to end the season, a 70.3 race in Austin Texas. Now for a break from training.

Recovery breakfast at Kerby Lane Cafe . An omelet, along with ginger bread, buttermilk, strawberry and cream as well as Punkin pancakes. One more great reason to love Triathlons
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