This past Saturday I took the ferry over to the mainland to attend the Delta Triathlon. It was the 10th year and is a very well run race. 700m swim with 9 persons per lane which is actually 2 lanes wide. The first time I did this race I was unsure of the swim, but liked it right away and still do like it. Seems to be more like a lake swim, with more room and easier to pass,,, or be passed!! The bike is two 10k loops and very flat. One overpass is the only hill and not very many vehicles on the road. The 5k run is through mostly residential streets with fruit trees in blossoms at this time of year. Even if you are concentrating on form you can not miss them!!
This year was a good year for me taking about 6 minutes off my previous time. Not sure I can do that again!!

My friend Bob from Vancouver. We have done this race to gather a few times now. We met years ago in high school and both were in a Marathon class for grade 12. We both had a bit of a hiatus, but are back into the running again, and even learned to swim!!

The previous week was a race back here on the Island. Snow to Surf, an annual event. I started the race off running about 400-500 meters up a ski run in ski boots with 170 others, and then put on skis and races a few km to the bottom of the run. A skate skier took over from there and after he was finished passed off to a runner who had to run downhill on the road. Ouch!! She passed off to another runner about 6km later who continued on the run. Being our team captain, she was going 100% and slipped on the downhill and fell,,, another ouch!! a big ouch!! Covered in dirt and some blood, she passed off to a mtn biker who went down some roads and trails to our team Kayaker who managed to keep the kayak upright as many teams capsized crossing Comox Lake. Once to the other side, a road biker headed down the second last leg of the race to the two canoers that paddled across Comox Bay, to the finish, which just happened to be the BEER GARDENS!!! Starting in snow on the mountain and ending up at the ocean. What a great way to spend the day!!